Practice Test1: Physics - 2025

Physics Practice Set for Indian Government Jobs Recruitment Exam

Physics is a key subject in Indian Government Jobs exams, especially in technical and general aptitude tests. It evaluates your understanding of fundamental laws, concepts, and their applications in real-world scenarios. This section is crucial for exams like SSC, Railways, ISRO, DRDO, and state-level recruitment tests. The Physics practice set is designed to sharpen your problem-solving skills and theoretical knowledge.

Test Details

  • Total Questions: 10 (questions each from Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Modern Physics)
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Marking Scheme: No negative marking

Key Topics Covered

  1. Mechanics: Laws of motion, work, energy, power, and gravitation.
  2. Thermodynamics: Heat, temperature, laws of thermodynamics, and entropy.
  3. Modern Physics: Atomic structure, electromagnetic waves, and nuclear physics.

Why Take This Physics Practice Set?

  • Enhance your conceptual understanding of physical laws and principles.
  • Improve problem-solving speed and accuracy for physics-based questions.
  • Prepare effectively for technical and general physics questions in exams.


10 minutes

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